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Random Number Generator

Download Range on the App Store

Range makes it easy to generate a random number between two values. Simply enter a value for the start and end of the range and then select Generate. Range will then show you a random number in that range! Range is available to download on iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS and watchOS.

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Random Number Generator

Range makes it quick and simple to generate any number for a given range. Simply type the start and end values and Range will do the heavy lifting.


Without launching the app, you can use the widget to generate a random number.

Apple Watch

Generate random numbers on your wrist with the Range Apple Watch app.


Generate random numbers from anywhere with the Mac Menubar app.


Using just your voice, create a Siri Shortcut to generate a random number on your device or nearby HomePod.


Range has been built using SwiftUI, App Intents and WidgetKit.


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