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StyleGuide Press Kit

StyleGuide makes it easy for iOS & other Apple platform developers to quickly preview HIG typography, colors and sizes from the Menubar.


To find out whatʼs new in StyleGuide, please head to the releases page here.


Font Styles

Quickly preview all of the different font styles (e.g. Large Title, Headline etc.) at multiple Dynamic Type sizes so you can choose the correct font style in your app. There's support for previewing styles on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS. Select a font style to view more details such as font, weight, size and how to use it in SwiftUI.


View a selection of all the available colors for each Apple platform. Semantic colors that support both light & dark modes can be previewed using the toggle and selecting a color will provide more details such as RGBA values and how to use it in SwiftUI. Both SwiftUI and UIKit/AppKit colors are included so you'll be able to preview them all.

Screenshot Sizes

Before creating your App Store screenshots, get an idea of what sizes you'll need to use to have them accepted. There's support for all Apple platforms.

App Preview Sizes

Use the App Preview Sizes tool to view the required resolutions for uploading videos to App Store Connect. There's support for all applicable Apple platforms.

Font Designs

Preview how different font styles will appear. You can view Default, Serif, Rounded and Monospaced.

Font Weights

See how each font weight looks on the scale from Ultralight all the way up to Black.

Font Widths

View all the different font widths - Compressed, Condensed, Standard and Expanded.


StyleGuide is available as a one-time purchase for $2.99/£2.99. Promo codes available upon request.


StyleGuide is available on macOS (14.0+).


StyleGuide has been built using SwiftUI.


StyleGuide is localised in English.


Hi, Iʼm Adam! 👋 Iʼm an indie developer living in the UK building apps for iOS and other Apple platforms. Iʼve been building apps since 2015 and went full-time indie in 2022 after working at a startup for four years as an iOS developer. After developing WristBoard, I decided to use the basis of that app to create RetroBoard as an alternative for users who were more used to a T9 style keyboard on smaller devices.


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